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Council Meeting Minutes - February 9, 2011

The Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Susan Renda

ROLL CALL:Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman.

Also Present: Building Commissioner Greg Potts, Service Director Ted DeWater, Village Engineer Jeff Filarski, Police Chief Tom Flauto, Clerk of Council Julie Miller

Mr. Buczek made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper to approve the minutes of January 12th, 2011 as amended as follows: The reason for going into Executive Session was: Acquisition and disposition of public property and pending litigation.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried


Mayor Renda asked Greg Potts to inform Council of the progress of the new Service facility.

Mr. Potts stated that the repair garage is up and running. They are working diligently on the Maintenance Garage and it should be complete very soon. The architect made his second walk through the maintenance garage and determined that they were 98% through the punch list. A lot of the issues are on the outside, and were unable to be completed because they got held up by the weather. The final sign-off inspection will not be completed until they get as-built drawings. They are waiting for the State board to sign off on the drawings and then they will do the final inspection. As soon as this is completed, it will be moved into.

Mr. DeWater updated everyone on the snowplowing efforts. The first callout was November 6th and since then the weather has not let up. The first 13 weeks of the snow season the department ordered 1600 tons of salt and used it. Since January 24th, they have had to order an additional 800 tons. The snow has been very heavy in the past few weeks. They have used 15,000 gallons of chloride, 5,000 gallons of the beet juice and two tons of Haydite. There are 471 hours of overtime. There were 9 complaint calls and 12 compliment calls. There have only been 4 equipment breakdowns. The servicemen have also been tracking mileage and they put on an average of 140-160 miles per shift.

Mrs. Cooper stated that she had heard only compliments about the snowplowing, and she thinks the Service department is doing a great job.

Mr. Richman stated that he comes from downtown and crosses through several suburbs and Moreland Hills is at least as good if not better than other suburbs.

Mr. Buczek stated that he had talked to several people and they were amazed at the great job the Service department was doing with the roads.


Utilities: Mr. Wortzman
Mr. Wortzman stated that the minutes from the meeting had been handed out. Mr. Bode of Wastewater Treatment Facilities compiles a report that is very thorough. It included each facility, what is occurring, the condition of the facility, the equipment. They also talked about the lift stations. The engineer recommended replacing a faulty pump at Falls Creek. This was replaced. All of the other lift stations are in good order. Mr. Wortzman called on Mr. Filarski to give his report of the wastewater treatment conversion project.

Mr. Filarski stated that the JQW project is coming to an end as far as being ready to advertise for a bid tomorrow. Bids will be opened on March 4th. The bid results should be available at the next Council meeting. The entire regional project is coming to fruition. The Sewer District sewer was put in. That is the sewer that runs from Cedar to Gates Mills Blvd. The Creekside plant conversion paperwork is being done now. They are getting all of the submittals for equipment in.

Finance Committee: Ms. Sturgis
Ms. Sturgis highlighted a couple of issues that were presented at the Committee of the Whole/Budget meeting by Prashant Shah, Treasurer. These included the revenues of 4.7 million, and expenditures of 5.0 million. Ms. Sturgis explained that the deficit is due to capital expenses and the Forest Ridge project. From a transfer standpoint there were four areas that were highlighted during the budget review. These included the Police Pension, the Police Fire Levy, the Property improvement (Forest Ridge) and the Service facility. The lower property and income tax revenues were also discussed during the budget meeting. Ms. Sturgis thanked all departments for getting their numbers into Finance for the budget, and for helping to keep expenses down.

Mayor Renda commended Chief Flauto on keeping the overtime down.

Buildings & Grounds: Mr. Richman
Mr. Richman pointed out two things: One was the two energy efficiency related grants, which he would elaborate on during the presentation of the ordinances. The second item was a plug for the Historical Society. Mr. Richman stated that he feels it is important to look backwards to the historical heritage of Moreland Hills. The Historical Society members are part of the Buildings and Grounds committee. At the last Buildings and Grounds meeting, the Historical Society members stated that memberships of the Historical Society and visitation at the cabin has dropped off. Mr. Richman encouraged Council to join the Historical Society and become docents.

Mrs. Cooper asked if there were membership applications out in the lobby of Village Hall. If they are not there, Clerk of Council Julie Miller will get some.

Mayor Renda stated that she had been a docent, and it was a very rewarding experience. She would be willing to share her notes with anyone who would be interested in becoming a docent.

Safety: Mr. Buczek
Safety did not meet. The next Safety Committee meeting is February 28th at 8:00 a.m.

Planning: Mrs. Cooper
Planning did meet on January 24th. It was the first meeting with the WRLC and they gave their presentation for a conditional use permit. There were many questions about size and the aesthetics. The President of the Land Conservancy Mr. Cochran, volunteered to have their architect meet with the Village architect, and Mrs. Cooper reported that there have been two meetings thus far. Mrs. Cooper stated that she would rather wait until there was more information to give a detailed report. The WRLC’s plan is to retain 3.9 acres, with the rest of the land going to the Village. The WRLC is looking to use environmentally friendly building practices in the hopes of receiving a gold or platinum LEED rating. Mrs. Cooper explained that the LEED rating is the nationally excepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. They have plans to restore a cold water stream. Mrs. Cooper stated that the proposed addition is approximately 8500 square feet and the existing structure is approximately 4700 square feet. There were some questions raised about the size at the Planning Commission meeting. The WRLC is considering all of the issues that were raised. There was also a question about driveway access, and they will be addressing those questions as well. The parking lot was the third concern, to be addressed before the next meeting.

Mrs. Cooper urges Council to come to the next Planning Commission meeting on February 28th at 5:00 p.m.

Ms. Sturgis asked what the next meeting would be concerning.

Mrs. Cooper answered that the WRLC would bring any changes to the plans back to the table. The Planning Commission can put conditions on the conditional use permit, which could include hours, or parking or lighting for example. Once Planning approves it, it will go to Council for their approval.

Mrs. Cooper stated that at the last Planning Commission meeting, the Wheelers presented a conceptual drawing of a café/restaurant at the site of the old BP station. This is in the very early stages. There are parking issues, and septic/sewer issues.

Mayor Renda had an update on the conceptual drawing presentation by the Wheelers. She stated that our Village architect had requested a meeting with the Wheeler’s architect and that some meetings between the two were ongoing. Mr. Wheeler had also contacted the Veterinarian next door and inquired about sharing / obtaining some parking.

Service Committee: Mr. Stanard
The Service Committee met and most of the discussion was about snow and ice and salt and liquid calcium chloride, which Mr. DeWater went over in his report.

There were two equipment issues. One of the snowplow trucks had a seat come loose, which was repaired. The other item was on the bills ordinance, which was an adjustable plow which allows for changing of the angle of the blade. This was $5350.00 and was included in the 2011 budget proposal.

The road repair program for 2010 has a few leftover items, and includes a change order. As soon as the snow melts the Engineer will be able to get out and assess any damage.

Mr. Stanard stated that Waste Management had performed a route audit and they are finding that over 90% of residents are participating in the recycling.

The next Service Committee meeting is scheduled for February 28th at 4:30 p.m.


Ordinance 2011-2 was introduced by Ms. Sturgis. An ordinance for the payment of bills in the month of February in the amount of $751,493.83 and declaring an emergency.

Ms. Sturgis pointed out that there was a revised bills ordinance handed out to all Council Members and that the additions were highlighted.

Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mr. Stanard to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2011-2.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, and Mr. Richman.
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek for passage of Ordinance 2011-2.

Mr. Buczek asked if the bill for the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation was a yearly fee. Ms. Sturgis answered that it is a yearly premium.

Mrs. Cooper asked why the dues for the Chagrin River Watershed were so expensive. Mayor Renda answered that they do a lot of work for the Village; they advise on storm water management issues, etc. and that it is based on actual watershed area.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Richman.
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Ordinance 2011-17 was introduced by Mr. Buczek. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Chagrin Valley Dispatch Council (“CVD”) for the dispatch of public safety services and the operation of a regional communications center, appointing the Mayor as the Village representative to the Council and declaring an emergency.

Mr. Buczek asked Mayor Renda to present information concerning this ordinance. Mayor Renda stated that several months ago, Chagrin Falls Mayor Brick was interested in developing a COG as an oversight. It has always acted as a regional dispatch center but the oversight body has been primarily with Chagrin Falls. This creates a Council of government so that the Village will have a say in the budget. It will not affect the hiring and firing as that will be left up to Chagrin Falls.

Mr. Buczek made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper for suspension of the rules for Ordinance 2011-17.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Mr. Buczek made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper for passage of Ordinance 2011-17.

Mr. Richman asked if there was any update as to the potential location. Mayor Renda answered that the group has continued to look at various sites and that until an appropriate location had been presented it would continue to operate out of Chagrin Falls.

Mr. Stanard asked if there were monthly dues. Mrs. Cooper answered that it was $7,129.00 and that would be the monthly dues. Mayor Renda answered that in the beginning it would be a little more than that, because there will be some unanticipated expenses, but that basically it would be the same monthly bill.

Mr. Stanard asked if the Mayor’s participation would in any way bypass Council in terms of spending any of the Village’s money. Mayor Renda answered that no, it would not, and if there was an increase in dues, it would come to Council by way of an ordinance.

Mr. Buczek asked about the frequency of the meetings. Mayor Renda answered that most COGS meet annually. At that time they present the budget. It gives each community a little more budget oversight.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-18 was introduced by Mr. Richman. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to submit an application to the Cuyahoga County Municipal Energy Program for energy audit services and energy efficiency and conservation projects and declaring an emergency.

Mr. Richman stated that as a result of the stimulus bill, Cuyahoga County received an energy efficiency and conservation grant through the US Department of energy. $3 million of this is for energy efficiency audits and projects based on those audits. It can pay for 100% of the cost of those audits. Once the audit is performed, the Village would be eligible to apply for monies for various energy related projects. Some examples of this would be HVAC systems, traffic signals, street lighting systems, etc.

Mr. Richman made a motion seconded by Mr. Stanard to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2011-18

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Richman.
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Mr. Richman made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek for passage of Ordinance 2011-18.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Richman.
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-19 was introduced by Mr. Richman. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to apply for Powering Our Communities grant funds, authorizing an agreement with NOPEC for the use of such funds and declaring an emergency.

NOPEC is a collection of communities that got together to secure lower utility rates. NOPEC also partnered with First Energy for a $16 million Powering Our Communities program based on energy efficiency. Some examples of these are: more efficient HVAC systems, insulation, new heating systems, lighting and air conditioning improvements, etc. There is a need for a new furnace in the Community building, so that could be one of the subjects of the grant.

Mr. Richman made a motion seconded by Mr. Stanard for suspension of the rules for Ordinance 2011-19

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman.
NAYS: None

Mr. Richman made a motion seconded by Ms. Sturgis for passage of Ordinance 2011-19.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Mr. Stanard asked who would be in charge of determining what projects were needed for this grant. Mayor Renda answered that Mr. Potts would be doing that.

Mr. Potts stated that the grant application had already been prepared. He and Mr. DeWater had called on a lighting company for estimates for lighting upgrade and retrofit in the Police Department, Community building and Village Hall and the projected savings was 23% going with new bulbs. Mr. Potts and Mr. DeWater also looked at the furnace in the Community Building, which is only about 70% efficient and should be about 95% efficient. In addition, they looked into a window and door retrofit in the Community building calling for new energy efficient, double glazed windows and doors in that building. The electrical panel in the Village Hall needs work, so they got an estimate to do a complete upgrade on that. The Historical Society asked for an upgrade on their electric in the cabin which would include the addition of a few lights. The amount applied for was $45,400.00 for all of the work mentioned.

Mr. Richman stated that the second part of the savings would be the energy pay-back. Mr. Potts stated that the projected savings was a total of $5400.00 a year.

Margaret Cannon stated that this grant money originated because of litigation between First Energy and NOPEC. First Energy entered into an agreement with NOPEC. There is a pro-rata formula determining how much a community gets.

Mrs. Cooper wanted to thank the Mayor and her staff for keeping on top of these grant opportunities.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-20 was introduced by Mr. Stanard. An Ordinance authorizing change order no. 2 with Ronyak Paving, Inc. for the 2010 asphalt pavement program and declaring an emergency.

Mr. Stanard stated that Ronyak Paving is the 2010 road repair and maintenance contractor. The Village has asked them to perform some work that was not listed on their original contract. This included two minor repairs. One repair is to an inlet basin in the corner of the Service facility and the other is a culvert repair on Fircrest Lane. This is change order no 2. This change order is in the amount of $ 2,753.43. The backup for this Ordinance is provided.

Mr. Stanard made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2011-20.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Buczek, Mr. Wortzman, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman.
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Mr. Stanard made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper for passage of Ordinance 2011-20.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Buczek, Mr. Wortzman, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman.
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-21 was introduced by Ms. Sturgis. An Ordinance establishing appropriations for the current expenditures of the Village of Moreland Hills, Ohio for the period ending December 31, 2011, and declaring an emergency.

Ms. Sturgis stated that this Ordinance highlights the appropriations for the expenditures for 2011.

Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2011-21.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek for passage of Ordinance 2011-21.

Mr. Buczek asked about the appropriations for Chagrin Blvd. stabilization, and if this was part of a grant. Mr. Filarski answered that there are some items that don’t need to be in the budget anymore and the amount for the Chagrin Blvd. project was part of that.

Mayor Renda stated that there were fund balances that were still being carried on the budget that would eventually come off, such as the Emergency Ambulance fund.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-22 was introduced by Ms. Sturgis. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Wichert Insurance Services, Inc. for the provision of general liability, police professional, public official, automobile, and property insurance to the Village of Moreland Hills at the total aggregate cost of $48,836.00, subject to additions and deletions during the term of the agreement as approved by the Mayor; waiving competitive bidding and declaring an emergency.

Ms. Sturgis stated that this ordinance defines the insurance premium for the year.

Mayor Renda stated that this premium actually went down this year.

Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mr. Richman to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2011-22.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mr. Stanard for passage of Ordinance 2011-22.

Mr. Stanard asked the Mayor to rate the service Wichert provides. Mayor Renda stated that it is acceptable and exceptional. Chief Flauto and Ted DeWater agreed with the Mayor about the service Wichert provides.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

At 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Cooper made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing acquisition and disposition of public property and pending litigation.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

At 9:25 Mr. Richman made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper to enter into Regular Session and adjourn the Council meeting.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Julie Miller Clerk of Council 
Steve Richman President of Council

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