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Council Meeting Minutes - November 9, 2011

The Council meeting of the Village of Moreland Hills was called to order by Mayor Renda at 7:00 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman

Also Present: Clerk of Council, Julie Miller, Law Director Margaret Cannon, Village Engineer Jeff Filarski, Building Commissioner Greg Potts, Lieutenant Kevin Wyant and Service Director Ted Dewater.

Mr. Richman made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper to approve the minutes of October 12, 2011.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Report from the Mayor

Mayor Renda introduced Jason Campana, a new Police Officer who was sworn in on November 8th, 2011. Mayor Renda stated that she was impressed with Jason. Lieutenant Wyant stated that Jason was selected over several other candidates. Jason stated that he would do his utmost to do a good job and that he was appreciative of the opportunity to work for the Village of Moreland Hills.

Lieutenant Wyant stated that the bomb threats at Orange School were an ongoing investigation and that Moreland Hills was a part of that investigation. He stated that school would resume tomorrow, November 10th.

Mayor Renda stated that she had received a thank you letter from Russell Grundke of Hiram House for the donation that was made during the clambake. She stated that this money would go towards the Campership fund.

Mayor Renda stated that she had received a thank you letter from the Chief of Police of Pepper Pike, thanking Moreland Hills Police Department for their involvement and thanking Chief Flauto personally for his involvement.

Mayor Renda stated that the annual hike from President Garfield’s birthplace to Lakeview Cemetery would take place on Saturday November 19th, 2011. She stated that she had more information if Council would like to look at it.

Mayor Renda stated that she had received a letter from Judge Jacob of the Bedford Municipal Court. Judge Jacob would like to come and address Council at some point in time. Mayor Renda stated that she was going to ask him to come in February.

Mayor Renda stated that she had cancelled Ed Jerse from appearing before Council this evening. She stated that there would be information concerning the Anti-Poaching protocol in the December Council packet. Mr. Richman asked Mrs. Cannon about other communitys’ involvement. Mrs. Cannon stated that she was under the impression that there were approximately 15 communities involved so far.

Reports of Committees

Planning Commission:
Mrs. Cooper reported that Planning Commission met on October 24th and that copies of the minutes from that meeting were included in Council packet. She stated that Creative Sign Co. would be putting real estate signs on the old Lee Road Nursery property. She stated that they would work with the Chief of Police and also with Mr. Potts concerning the placement of the signs. She stated that there was also a replacement shed and a Shaker style home approved. She stated that the rain barrel ordinance was on the agenda for this evening. She stated that the next Planning Commission meeting would be held on November 28th, 2011.

Service Committee:
Mr. Stanard reported that there had been potholes reported on Chagrin Boulevard and that they were promptly repaired. He stated that the new recycling truck had been out two weeks in a row and that it was going well. He stated that the Service Department is gearing up for the snow removal season. He stated that the culvert program was underway and that the catch basin program was started. At this time Mr. Stanard made a motion seconded by Mr. Richman to allow the Mayor to join the US Communities Government Purchasing Alliance. This would allow the Village to be part of the national government purchasing cooperative.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Safety Committee:
Mr. Buczek stated that there was no Safety Committee meeting held. He stated that the next meeting would be held on November 28th at 8:00 a.m.

Buildings and Grounds:
Mr. Richman stated that this committee did not meet last month. He stated that the demolition at 91 and Hiram Trail had been completed.

Ms. Sturgis stated that the Finance Committee did not meet.

Mr. Wortzman reported the Committee discussed the timing of the initiation of the new pump stations. He stated that there were some maintenance issues brought up by Mr. Bode.

Ordinances and Resolutions

Ordinance 2011-11 an Ordinance for the payment of bills in the month of November, in the amount of $797,128.73 and declaring an emergency was introduced by Ms. Sturgis.

Ms. Sturgis stated that a revised copy of the bills ordinance had been provided for Council members. Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper for suspension of the rules for Ordinance 2011-11.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper for passage of Ordinance 2011-11.

Mr. Stanard questioned the expense for the D B Hartt Inc. He asked if it was within keeping with the budget. Mayor Renda stated that she would check and get back to him on this.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-72 An Ordinance providing additional appropriations, transferring items already appropriated and declaring an emergency was introduced by Ms. Sturgis.

Ms. Sturgis stated that this ordinance is a monthly financial housekeeping item. Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mr. Stanard for suspension of the rules for Ordinance 2011-72.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ms. Sturgis made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper for passage of Ordinance 2011-72.

Mayor Renda stated that at the original budget meeting, they anticipated certain costs. She stated that the Law Department budget was higher due to the DeFranco case. Mayor Renda stated that the cost of repairing some of the streets was higher than was originally budgeted.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-73 declaring Berkeley Lane as the Official Name of the Public Right-Of-Way within the Village also known as Berkeley Avenue was introduced by Mr. Buczek. Mr. Buczek stated that he had lived on Berkeley Lane for many years and in the past, it was confusing because it was listed as Berkeley Avenue. He stated that it was definitely not an avenue. Mr. Buczek made a motion seconded by Mr. Stanard for suspension of the rules for Ordinance 2011-73.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Mr. Buczek made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper for passage of Ordinance 2011-73.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-74 An Ordinance amending existing section 1313.22, listing of permit fees, of Chapter 1313, plans, permits and fees, of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Moreland Hills, to establish a fee for Rain Barrel permits, Cistern Permits and other Storm water Storage Device Permits and declaring an emergency was introduced by Mrs. Cooper.

Mrs. Cooper stated that this ordinance would allow the Village to collect for permit fees for rain barrels, etc. She stated that the only change was on page 2. Mrs. Cooper made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek for suspension of the rules for Ordinance 2011-74.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Mr. Buczek asked if the permit fees were per rain barrel. Mayor Renda stated that yes they were. Margaret Cannon stated that the Ordinance could be amended to provide that it was per rain barrel.

Mrs. Cooper made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek for passage of Ordinance 2011-74, as amended.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-75 An Ordinance amending existing Section 1351.01 maintenance responsibilities; enforcement of Chapter 1351 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Moreland Hills, to provide for Rain Barrel, Cisterns, and other Stormwater storage device regulations and to provide for amendments to the maintenance responsibility provisions, and declaring an emergency was introduced by Mrs. Cooper.

Mrs. Cooper passed out pictures of the different storage devices. She asked Council to refer to the diagram attached to the Ordinance. Mrs. Cooper stated that this ordinance allows the Village to govern what is allowed. She stated that a rain barrel could be anywhere from 40 gallons to 70 gallons. Mrs. Cooper made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2011-75.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Mrs. Cooper made a motion seconded by Mr. Richman for passage of Ordinance 2011-75.

Mr. Wortzman asked about the reference to a bladder. Mrs. Cannon stated that bladders would be handled under “other”. Mr. Filarski stated that the ordinance was written to accommodate aesthetics. Mr. Potts stated that they should not be visible from the street.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Ordinance 2011-76 An Ordinance adopting the amended and restated Ohio Municipal League 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan offered by ING Financial Partners and declaring an emergency was introduced by Mayor Renda.

Mayor Renda stated that this was a housekeeping item, and that the Village is required to do this for the employees who use ING. Mr. Wortzman asked if any employee participates in this plan. Mayor Renda stated that yes, they did, and that ING communicates directly with the employee.

Mr. Stanard made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper for suspension of the rules for Ordinance 2011-76.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Mrs. Cooper made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek for passage of Ordinance 2011-76.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

Mr. Buczek made a motion seconded by Mr. Richman to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.

AYES: Mr. Stanard, Ms. Sturgis, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Richman
NAYS: None
Motion carried

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Julie Miller, Clerk of Council 
Stephen Richman, Council President

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