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Council Meeting Minutes - December 10, 2008

The Council Meeting of the Village of Moreland Hills was called to order by Mayor Renda at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT AT ROLL CALL: Mrs. Ovsek, Mr. Richman, Mr. Wortzman, Mr. Buczek, Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Newman.

ALSO PRESENT: Mayor Susan Renda, Law Director Margaret Anne Cannon, Service Director Ted DeWater, Building Commissioner Greg Potts, Engineer Jeff Filarski, Police Chief Tom Flauto and Clerk of Council Mary Catherine Knight.

A motion was made by Mr. Buczek seconded by Mrs. Cooper to approve the Council meeting minutes of November 12, 2008.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.


Mayor Renda reported that Village Prosecutor Santo Incorvaia has been working on the purchase of the home at 37545 Chagrin Blvd. A motion will be needed for earnest money. The Parks Commission has not yet hiked the Forest Ridge property due to weather delays. The grant application for Forest Ridge was sent out this week.


Utilities Committee:
Mr. Buczek reported that the Utilities Committee did not meet and there is no report.

Safety Committee:
Mr. Richman reported that the Safety Committee did not meet and there is no report.

Service Committee:
Mrs. Cooper reported that the Service Committee will have a change order for the 2008 Drainage Program. The Village received a grant and loan from OPWC for the Chagrin Blvd. Slope Stabilization Project in the amount of $216,392.00. This is a zero interest loan to be paid over 20 years.

Mayor Renda commented that an additional $250,000 was obtained from the county therefore almost a half of million dollars was secured and the Village will be responsible for $399,000. Mayor Renda congratulated Engineer Filarski for working on and obtaining the financing.

Buildings & Grounds Committee:
Mrs. Ovsek reported that the committee met and minutes will be available soon.

Mayor Renda mentioned that the new floor in the lobby of Village Hall was installed and complete.

Finance Committee:
Mr. Wortzman reported that the committee did not meet this month but did have a few ordinances on the agenda and motions to be made.

Mr. Wortzman made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek to authorize the treasurer to write a $1000.00 check for earnest money for the purchase of the property at 37545 Chagrin Blvd.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Mr. Wortzman made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek to allow the Mayor to sell a 2005 Crown Victoria to the Village of Windham, Ohio per guidelines within the Ohio Revised Code that allow for sale of items from municipality to municipality in the amount of $2,995.00.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Mr. Buczek made a motion seconded by Mr. Richman for the Village of Moreland Hills to accept a check from NOPEC in the amount of $498.00 to use towards energy conservation.

Mr. Buczek explained that this money was a reimbursement from NOPEC after Green Mountain Energy left the consortium.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

All meetings regularly scheduled and special meetings shall still be part of the Service Director’s base pay.

Mr. Richman questioned if hiring a part time service employee would be less costly then overtime for the Service Director’s pay scale. Mayor Renda explained that the equipment used is very expensive and a trained individual with a CDL needs to operate it. A cost study will be provided at the end of the season.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Planning Commission
Mr. Newman made a motion seconded by Mrs. Cooper to approve a generator variance at 4060 Chagrin River Road.

A letter from the neighbor was obtained, cycling will occur sometime between Monday-Friday 10am-3pm for about 20 minutes per week.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.


*Ordinance 2008-12 introduced by Mr. Wortzman. An Ordinance for payment of the bills in the month of December in the amount of $ 545,649.77 and declaring an emergency.

A motion was made by Mr.Wortzman and seconded by Mr. Buczek to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2008-12.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr.Wortzman and seconded by Mr. Newman for passage of Ordinance 2008-12.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

*Ordinance 2008-94 was introduced by Mr. Wortzman. An Ordinance providing additional appropriations, transferring items already appropriated and declaring an emergency.

A motion was made by Mr. Wortzman seconded by Mr. Buczek to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2008-94.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Wortzman seconded by Mr. Buczek for passage or Ordinance 2008-94.

*Ordinance 2008-95 was introduced by Mr. Wortzman. An Ordinance establishing the temporary appropriations for the first quarter of the fiscal year 2009 for the Village of Moreland Hills, and declaring an emergency.

A motion was made by Mr. Wortzman seconded by Mrs. Ovsek to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2008-95.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Wortzman seconded by Mr. Buczek for passage of Ordinance 2008-95.

Mr. Wortzman explained that this Ordinance will allow the Village to operate financially until the 2009 budget is passed.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

*Resolution 2008-96 was introduced by Mr. Wortzman. A Resolution requesting the County Auditor to make advances from the proceeds of Real and Personal Property Tax Levies and Special Assessments during the Fiscal Year 2008 pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code Section 321.34 and declaring an emergency.

A motion was made by Mr. Wortzman seconded by Mrs. Cooper to suspend the rules for Resolution 2008-96.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Wortzman seconded by Mr. Richman for passage of Resolution 2008-96.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

*Ordinance 2008-97 was introduced by Mr. Wortzman. An Ordinance fixing the compensation of various officers and employees of the Village of Moreland Hills and declaring an emergency.

A motion was made by Mr. Wortzman seconded by Mrs. Ovsek to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2008-97.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Wortzman seconded by Mr. Buczek for passage of Ordinance 2008-97.

Mr. Wortzman and Mayor Renda explained that across the board a 4% increase was granted to employees for 2009. Mr. Wortzman said the Finance Committee will continue to review and compare the salaries throughout the neighboring communities and try to further close the disparities that exist.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

*Ordinance 2008-98 was introduced by Mrs. Cooper. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to accept a Storm Sewer Easement from Roy Minoff to permit the installation and maintenance of Storm Sewers and Appurtenances on certain private property, and declaring an emergency.

A motion was made by Mrs. Cooper seconded by Mr. Buczek to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2008-98.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

A motion was made by Mrs. Cooper seconded by Mr. Newman for passage of Ordinance 2008-98.

Mrs. Cooper explained that this Ordinance will allow the Service Department to install and maintain a storm sewer on a private property to stop erosion which is undermining Giles Road.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Mayor Renda noted that the Bentleyville firing range ordinance will be passed in January with the other firing range contracts.


Mr. Charles Lang, President of the Moreland Hills Police & Employees Foundation was present to announce a gathering at his home Friday, December 19 to thank all of the Moreland Hills employees.

Mrs. Ronda Goldfarb, resident, questioned how residents find out about contributing to the MHPEF? Mr. Lang noted that once a year a letter is sent to all Moreland Hills residents. Mayor Renda mentioned that it was in the Village newsletter as well.

Mrs. Ovsek announced two dates, January 7, 2009 7pm; Council’s Organizational meeting and January 21, 2009 8:15am; the last Ad Hoc Committee meeting. Mrs. Ovsek thanked Mayor Renda and Council for a great year.

Council members thanked Mayor Renda, each other and their committees for a great year.

Mrs. Cooper congratulated Mayor Renda for being chosen as the Chagrin Valley Inter-Governmental Council President for 2009.

Mr. Buczek made a motion seconded by Mr. Newman to grant the day after Christmas, Friday, December 26, 2008 off for all Village employees.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Law Director Margaret Cannon asked that Council adjourn into Executive Session.

Mrs. Ovsek made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek for Council to enter into Executive Session at 7:50pm.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Mrs. Cooper made a motion seconded by Mr. Buczek for Council to enter out of Executive Session into Regular Session at 8:10pm.

A motion was made by Mr. Buczek seconded by Mr. Newman to adjourn the Council Meeting of December 10, 2008.

AYES: Ovsek, Richman, Wortzman, Buczek, Cooper, Newman
NAYS: None
Motion carried.

Adjourned 8:10 pm

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